Association :- The Ocean Grove Snooker Club Inc.
Committee :- The Committee of Management.
Table Owner :- The person who occupies the premises at which a table is located.
Captain :- A nominated Team member (usually Table Owner)
Draw :- The programme of matches or games scheduled to be played between Teams or Individuals.
Season :- The period occupied by the inter team (home & away) games and finals.
Match :- The total number of games played between two sides, or two players (in Individuals games) at anyone engagement.
Game :- One game of Snooker between at least two players.
Team :- Consists of up to a maximum of eight (8) Playing Members, plus two (2) Social Members.
All tables entered in the Association are to be of a minimum size of 8ft x 4ft and a maximum size of 10ft x 5ft. with slate base and
cloth, cushions and pockets in good condition.
Team entries will be called for at the Annual General Meeting, and all entries completed and all fees due to be paid at the pre-season
Captains Meeting. A sound reason must be given for late entry and/or payment.
Prior to the commencement of each season, a draw will be prepared and distributed to each of the Teams.
The draw will be arranged for each team to meet twice in a complete home and away series.
All Matches will be played on WEDNESDAY nights, but the Committee reserves the right to use other nights if necessary.
A team to play will consist of four (4) of its Playing Members, or in the event of being unable to get four playing members, it may call on its social members to make up the team numbers. If it still is still unable to field a full team the Team Captain may obtain a financial member from another team. (For Home & Away games only)
Ammendment 1996 page 14
6.1 Teams cannot call on emergencies from other teams, therfor forfeit points, any deviation to this ruling will be at the discretion of the committee.
Am 1997 page 18 A member may only play with the team they are registered with.
Am 1997 page 20 6.1 removed
6.1.1 .A 25 point penalty will be imposed on any forfeited game.
6.2 Any member of a team must play a minimum of four (4) games with his registered team to be eligible to play in finals. Except with the special permission of the Committee. Am 1997 page 18
Captains must enter team names on the scoresheets provided, before matches commence. At the completion of matches scores are to be totalled up in the respective columns, and signed by both Captains.
All monies must be placed in the envelope and the envelope sealed and marked with the date, and the names of the two teams.
All scoresheets and envelopes to be delivered to an address fixed and notified by the Committee before 5-30pm the following day.
The first match to be started by 7-30pm prompt in home and away and finals matches.
A starting time of 7-00pM can be required in the early rounds of Singles and Doubles Championships as directed by the Committee.
It is anticipated that all matches are to be finished by 10-30pm, and the premises vacated by 11-00pm, but can be flexible at the hosts wishes.
The current rules of the Billiards and Snooker Control Council shall be used for all games played within the competition.
The team captains will elect team members to act as referee and scorer for each game, It is the referees duty to maintain proper decorum during matches. A referees decision is final, with the proviso that he may accept a comment or assistance from someone who is present in regards to the interpretation of the rules.
All games played under the jurisdiction of the Association, shall be played on tables, and with equipment which meets the requirements of the Association.
Prior to each match tables shall be kept clean, the cloth brushed and preferably ironed. Cloth, cushions and pockets to be in good repair. Additional equipment such as scoreboards, long cues, rests and balls shall be in good repair.
a) Home and Away games
Each match will consist of 4 singles games and 4 doubles games:-
Game 1) First doubles
Game 2) Second doubles
Game 3) First singles
Game 4) Second singles
Game 5) Third singles
Game 6) Fourth singles
Game 7) Third Doubles ***
Game 8) Fourth Doubles ***
In games 7) & 8) the home team plays the same Combination as in games 1) & 2), while the away team reverses its combination.
i.e. Away team doubles pair in game 1) play in game 8), and doubles pair in game 2) play in game 7).
Am 2006 page 59 Handicap System
Handicap system to be given a trail.
Am 2009 page 71 Handicap System deleted
b) Singles and Doubles Championships
Will consist of two (2) games of which the aggregate score of the two games will determine the winner, except in the Final, where
the best of three (3) games will determine the winner.
The home and away series will be played in accordance with the published draw and the finals be played under the "PAGE" system.
The top four teams will play off as follows:-
1st Semi-Final Team #3 v Team #4
2nd Semi-Final Team #1 v Team #2
The winner of 2nd Semi-Final Moves to Grand Final
Preliminary Final winner of 1st Semi-Final v loser of 2nd Semi-Final
The winner of preliminary fInal moves to Grand Final
Grand Final
Winner of 2nd Semi-Final v winner of Preliminary Final
Am 2005 page 55 Final 8 Format to be trialled
First Night
Qualifying finals: QF1- 1 v 4, QF2- 2 v 3
Elimination finals:EF1- 5 v 8, EF2- 6 v 7
Second Night
Semi finals: Loser QF1 v Winner EF1, Loser QF2 v Winner EF2
Third Night
Preliminary final: Winner QF1 v Winner SF2, Winner QF2 v Winner SF1
Grand Final Night
Winner PF1 v Winner PF2
The home team shall provide supper in the shape of a plate of sandwiches or other suitable substitute per home team player.
16. FEES
All fees will be considered and adjusted if necessary, by the majority vote of members at the Annual General Meeting.
The right is reserved to add such additional by-laws or amend existing by-laws as may be deemed necessary.