Rule No.
Name of Rule
Statement of Purposes
Name of the Association
Objects of the Association
Committee of Management
Officers of the Association
Disciplinary Action
Financial Status
Annual Reports
Book Inspections
Alteration of Rules and Statement of Purposes
Statement of Purpose
The name of the Incorporated Association is the Ocean Grove Snooker Club Incorporated.
The purposes for which the Incorporated Association is established are:-
a)  To promote,foster, encourage and stimulate interest in the game of snooker.
b)  To provide facilities for playing the game of snooker,the learning and exchange of skills between members of the club.
c)  To endeavour to maintain a high standard of science and sportsmanship in the playing of the game.
Rule 1                                        NAME OF THE ASSOCIATION
1.1       The name of the Incorporated Association is the ·OCEAN GROVE SNOOKER CLUB INCORPORATED·
Rule 2                                        OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION
2.        The Ocean Grove Snooker Club Incorporated is a group of people formed in organised teams to play the game of snooker on tables provided by a Table Owner in his private home.
2.1      The objects in general of the Association are to promote,foster encourage and stimulate interest in the game, and to endeavour to to maintain a high standard of science and sportsmanship in the playing of the game.
2.2     To determine any difference arising between players with regard to the interpretation of any rules of the game and to take all
such steps as the association may deem necessary for enforcng a correct interpretation of any such rules, and to prevent any
infringement thereof, or the introduction of improper methods or practices in the game and to protect the game, the players
and the public from abuse.
2.3     To organise funds by membership fees, match fees, and special efforts to fulfil the above needs.
Rule 3                                        INTERPRETATION
3.1       In these rules, unless the contrary intention appears
"Association" Means the Ocean Grove Snooker Club Incorporated.
"Committee" Means the Committee of Management of the Association.
"Financial Year" Means a year ending on 31st December.                               .                                    "
"General Meeting" Means an Annual General Meeting.
"Captains Meeting" Means a Meeting of all Table Owners/Captains.
"Member" Means a member of the Association.
"Notice" Means any Communication in writing.
"The Act" Means the Associations Incorporation Act 1981.
"The Regulations" Means the Regulations under the Act.
3.2          In these rules, reference to the Secretary of the Association is a reference to:
3.2.1       Where a person holds office under these Rules as Secretary of the Association - to that person: and
3.2.2       In any other case, to the public officer of the Association.
3.3          Words or expressions contained in these Rules shall be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of the Acts Interpretation Act 1958 and the Act 65 in force from time to time.
Rule 4                                        MEMBERSHIP
4.1         Membership shall be open to all whose names have been submitted for acceptance by the Committee. No restrictions shall be placed on any person by virtue of race, sex, religion or political beliefs but acceptance shall be subject to a Majority vote by the Committee and Members present, when the names are submitted. The Committee shall not be obliged to divulge any reason for non acceptance.
4.2.1     "Playing Member" Means a financial registered player of a Team, who is a regular player with that team.
4.2.2     "Social Member" Means a financial registered Member of a Team, but is not a regular player with that team.
4.2.3     "Honorary Member" Means a notable citizen, interstate or overseas visitor, who may be granted Honorary Membership by the Committee.
4.2.4     "Life Member" Means a Member (past or present) appointed in appreciation of services rendered, by the members on recommendation of the committee.
4.3        The Secretary shall keep and Maintain a register of Membership in which shall be entered the full name, address, category and date of entry of the name of each Member. This register shall be available (at reasonable times) for inspection by Members at the address of the Secretary.
4.4       The amount of fees, joining, membership and match fees and any other amount necessary for the control and management of the Association shall be determined at a General Meeting.
4.5.1    A Member of the Association may resign from the Association, by giving one (1) Months notice in writing to the Secretary. Upon the expiration of that period of notice, shall cease to be a Member.
4.5.2    Upon the expiration of a notice of resignation, the Secretary shall record the date on which the Membership ceased into the register of Membership.
Rule 5                                        COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT
5.1               The affairs of the Association shall be Managed by a Committee of Management. Additional Sub-Committees May be appointed by the committee as required.
5.1.1      COMMITTEE 
           Shall be responsible for the overall Management of the Association may, subject to these rules, and the Act, exercise all such powers and functions as may be exercised by the Association other than those powers and functions that are required by these rules to be exercised by a General Meeting of the Association.
             Shall be responsible to the Committee in organising and running of all social functions and any special efforts required during
the year.
             The Committee shall have the power to appoint Sub-Committees as required.        
Rule 6                                        OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION
6.1        The Officers of the Association and their duties shall indlude:-
6.1.1     THE PRESIDENT. Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association.
He shall convene and where practicable, attend all General and Captains Meetings, and ensure that the proceedings are conducted
in a proper manner and with decorum. He may also attend any meeting of any Sub Committee.
In his absence or by his direction, he may arrange for his control of a meeting to be delegated.
6.1.2     THE VICE PRESIDENT. Shall where practicable attend all Meetings and in the absence of the President, or by his direction shall take the chair.
6.1.3     THE SECRETARY. Shall be the Chief Operative Officer of the Association.
He shall where possible attend all Meetings. receive and under the general supervision of the President, conduct all correspondence
on behalf of the Association. He shall record and duly enter into the Minute Book details of all transactions of all General, Captains
and Committee meetings, and present those minutes for subsequent confirmation.
He shall keep and maintain all administrative records, have custody of all books, documents and securities of the Association.
6.1.4      THE TREASURER. Shall collect and receive all Monies due to the Association, and make all payments authorised by the Association.
He shall keep correct accounts and books showing the financial affairs of the Association with full details of all receipts and
expenditure connected with the activities of the Association.
The accounts and books referred to shall be available for inspection by members.
6.1.5      THE STATISTICIAN. Shall be responsible for the record of all matches played, including a record of performances by each Team and player.
He will keep the Treasurer informed, as well as the Secretary of all matters relating to the registration of players.
Rule 7                                        MEETINGS
7.1          The Meetings conducted by the Association shall be as follows:-
The Annual General Meeting shall be held on such a day as may be fixed by the Committee. The ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:-
a)            to confirm the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting and of any General Meeting held since that meeting;
b)            to receive from the Committee reports upon the transactions of the Association during the last year;
c)            to elect Members of the Committee;
d)            to set all fees for the forth coming year;
e)            to receive and consider the statements submtted by the Association in accordance with Section 30(3) of the Act.
Regular Committee Meetings shall be held on such days as may be fixed by the Committee. Special meetings if required can be called by the President.
a)            The Committee May, whenever it thinks fit, convene a Special General Meeting.
b)            The Committee shall on receipt of a petition in writing signed by not less than ten (10) financial Members convene a Special General Meeting.
Where a Special General Meeting is called on petition, eight of the 10 Signatories must be present and one of the signatories
shall introduce the subject and move the motion.
7.2            NOTICE OF MEETINGS
7.2.1       The Secretary shall notify each Table Owner/Captain and Member either personally or by post at least fourteen (14) days before the date fixed for holding a General Meeting of the Association.
Notification to state the place, date and time of the Meeting and the nature of the business to be transacted at the Meeting.
7.2.2        No other business other than set out In tne notice convening the General Meeting shall be transacted at the Meeting.
7.2.3       Any Member desiring to bring any business before a General Meeting must give notice of that business in writing to the
Secretary at least seven (7) day in advance. The Secretary will then place the Matter on the agenda for the General Meeting.
Rule 8                                        QUORUMS
8.1        The quorum for a Committee Meeting of the Association shall be at least three (3) Committee Members.
8.2         The quorum for a General Meeting or Captains Meeting of the Association shall be Table Owners/Captains or their representatives from at least 75% of the Teams, and at least two (2) Members of the Committee.
8.2.1      No item of business shall be transacted at any Meeting unless a quorum of Members entitled under these rules to vote is present during the time when the Meeting is considering that item.
8.2.2       If within half an hour of the appointed time for the Commencement of a General Meeting or a Captains Meeting a quorum is not present, the Meeting shall be adjourned, and shall stand adjourned to the same day the next week, at the same time.
The venue will remain the same unless the Membership is notified by the Secretary in the meantime.
Rule 9                                        ELECTIONS
9.1          The Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, and hold office until the Completion of of the next A.G.M.
9.2          The Committee shall be elected in the following order:- President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Statistician and positions for the Social Committee.
9.3          Nominations for one or more of the various offices shall be made an the prescribed form and submitted to the Secretary signed by the proposer, seconder and nominee, seven (7) days prior to the A.G.M.
9.4          In the event of there being fewer nominations than vacancies, those who have been nominated shall be elected, if in accordance with 9.2 and nominations for the remaining vacancies shall be received from those present at the A.G.M.
9.5           If the number of nominations exceeds the the number of vacancies, a ballot shall be held.
Rule 10                                        VOTING
10.1           With the exception of ballots for elections, and special resolut-ions, voting at Meetings shall be carried on a show of hands.
10.2           Voting for the election of officers shall be by ballot. Voting papers will be distributed to the Members present. The President shall appoint scrutineers for such ballots.
10.3            No person who attends a Committee meeting who is not an elected member of the Committee, shall be eligible to vote at the-Meeting or included in the count for a Quorum.
10.4            At any Meeting where the number of votes cast for and against is equal, the Chairman is entitled to exercise a second vote to maintain the status quo: i.e. the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
10.4.1         At the Annual General Meeting, only financial members from the year preceding the A.G.M. are eligible to vote at the Meeting.
10.4.2         At Committee Meetings the President shall be entitled to vote on any motion.
10.5               A Special Resolution at a General Meeting shall be confined to members present when the vote is taken, proxy votes shall not be permitted.
A vote shall be passed by not less than two thirds of of Members of the Association entitled to do so (66.5% Majority).
Rule 11                                        VACANCIES
11.1           The position of a Committee Member shall be declared vacant if the member:-
11.1.1         Resigns his office, by notice in writing to the Secretary.
11.1.2         Is removed from office by the vote of an Extraordinary General Meeting.
11.2              Subject to Rule 9, casual vacancies resulting from the above, or any other reason, shall be filled by a resolution of the Committee.
Rule 12                                        RESIGNATIONS
12.1            A Team or Member may resign from the Association by giving one (1) Months notice in writing to the Secretary, (as per Rule 4.5) but shall be liable for any fees, subscriptions or debts due and unpaid at the date of resignation.
Rule 13                                        DISCIPLINARY ACTION
13.1         The conduct of any Member, whether on Association premises or not, which is considered to be disadvantageous to the Assoociation or the game in general, or is in breach of the Association Rules, shall be investigated by the Committee, and if proven ;-
The Committee shall take such disciplinary action as it thinks fit.
13.1.1       Any Member subject to such disciplinary action shall be permitted to present a defence, before any disciplinary action may be taken.
13.2           The decision taken by the Committee shall be final, and all Communications to or from the Association shall be absolutely privileged in law.
13.3          Any Member reporting any misdemeanour by another member shall do so in writing, and such correspondence shall be kept confidential within the Committee.
Rule 14                                        FINANCIAL STATUS
14.1         Subject to Rule 4.1, payment of the annual subscriptions for Membership shall entitle the person so paying to be a Member for the Membership year.
14.1.1      Team Captains shall be responsible for all payments due in respect of their team members.
14.2           Team Captains shall pay all membership fees due, before the completion of the pre season Captains Meeting.
14.3           Team Captains shall pay within twenty eight (28) days of being called upon by the committee to do so all fees, contributions, levies and other payments as the Committee may from time to time require of the Teams.
Rule 15                                        ANNUAL REPORTS
15.1         The Presidents Annual Report and Treasurers Balance Sheet for the last financial year shall be made avallable to members at the Annual General Meeting.
Rule 16                                        BOOK INSPECTION
16.1         Any financial Member of the Association may inspect books, documents, and securities of the Association in conjunction with the Secretary by giving notice, either in writing or verbally at least one (1) day prior to any such inspection. Minutes of Committee meetings shall be privy to Committee Members.
Rule 17                                        CHEQUES
17.1        All cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes and other negotiable instruments shall be signed by two members of the Committee.
Rule 18                                        DONATIONS
18.1         Any donations received by the Association shall be merged in the general fund and distributed as the Committee shall decide, unless a special request has been made by the donor that the gift shall be be retained for a specific reason. Such a request shall be adhered to if possible.
Rule 19                                        HONORARIA
19.1         By resolution at an Annual General Meeting, honoraria may be awarded for services actually rendered.
Rule 20                                        DISSOLUTION
20.1         In the event of winding up or dissolution of the Association there remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities any assets or property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed amongst the members of the Association, these shall be given or transferred to some other institution or institutions having objects or in part similar to the objects of this Association.
Such institutions to be determined by the members of the Association at or before the time of dissolution, and in default thereof by the Chief Judge in the Supreme Court in Victoria.
Rule 21                                        SEAL
21. 1         The Common Seal of the Association shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary.
21.2           The Common Seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of the Committee and the affixing of the Common Seal shall be attested by the signatures of two Members of the Committee.
Rule 22                                        ALTERATION OF RULES AND STATEMENT OF PURPOSE
22.1             These Rules and Statement of Purposes of the Association shall not be altered except in accordance with the Act.